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Throwing a House Warming Party on a Budget: Top Tips

posted: 02/08/2017

Moving house can often cost more than anticipated, with more hidden costs than people realise. Even when choosing an open and honest removals company such as Top Removals, there are usually several other things that have to be paid for and therefore have to be careful when deciding what to splash out on, and what not to spend.

Although the majority of people have to watch their wallets when moving house, this is no reason for people not to have a party and should not be used as an excuse! Moving in parties don’t have to be lavish or expensive to be memorable, and luckily for all today, we are going to be providing some simple ideas to save money and have fun!

Top Removals - House Warming Party

How to Save Money When Throwing a Moving in Party

Use E-Invites or Facebook Invites: Sending out paper invites can not only be incredibly time-consuming but also expensive. Because of this, you should consider sending out e-invites that can cost next to nothing or even consider creating an event and inviting people on Facebook. Almost everyone you know will be on Facebook, and you will be able to invite people quickly — however, don’t forget about those that aren’t on Facebook and give them a call or send them a text message. Make sure that your ‘Facebook event’ is set to private to avoid strangers and people who aren’t invited turning up at your door, otherwise things could go terribly wrong.

Top Removals - House Warming Party

Make BYOB Meaningful: Instead of telling people to bring their own alcohol to your moving-in party, why not consider turning your party into a ‘Stock the Bar Party’? A Stock-the-Bar Party is similar to a moving party, however, everyone who attends must contribute something to your bar or alcohol cabinet. This way you will not only thoroughly enjoy your evening but will also be able to have many more memorable nights in the future.

Create a trendy feel without the costs: You don’t need to worry about glass champagne flutes and luxurious lighting. Yes, these luxury items will make you feel fancy, but there’s a chance that they would only end up broken, leaving you out of pocket. There are many ways that you can make your new pad look classy without breaking the bank. For example, you could opt for statements balloons, fairy lights, a photo booth with props, flowers and cocktail-jug drink stations.

These are only three of the ways that you can have a fabulous moving-in party on a budget too! The trick is to think outside the box — It’s not about spending money, it’s all about having fun!

Stephanie Cooper

Stephanie is a content marketing specialist for Top Removals for the past several years. She has extensive experience working with moving companies and knows her audience. Stephanie creates engaging and useful content helping the customers of Top Removals with their struggles and providing them with the most accurate insight.

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