
London, National and International Removals and Storage

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Top Removals Attends the Annual Movers and Storers Show

posted: 01/11/2013


Top Removals London

On the 22nd and 23rd of October, Top Removals attended the annual Movers and Storers Show at Silverstone Circuit. This was the fifth Movers and Storers Show, and it was the biggest and most exciting event for the storage and removal industry so far. The event is designed specifically for people who work within removals, storage and self-storage companies but is also linked to similar fields like logistic, warehousing, relocation and facilities management. “Attending the show made a great business sense. It is a one-stop-shop to meet all our suppliers, see all innovations in the industry and check the trends and new challenges in front of our business,” said the company director Daniel Perry.

At the Movers and Storers Show, Top Removals was presented by our Operation Manager Mitch Ivanov, our Director Daniel Perry and few operational team members. Mitch Ivanov says: “This was a great opportunity to support and recognise our business and create new contacts. Also to discuss with our fellow colleagues’ current business environment and its difficulties, which are a downturn for the business, for example, the rise of the fuel prices and how to deal with it.”

On the fifth Movers and Storers Show, Top Removals was able to generate sales on the spot and create new contacts. We presented our latest products and services, improvements in packaging, fresh ideas to better our Customer service and introduced a new franchise coming soon. The Silverstone show was the right place to present our brands: Top Removals and Top Cleaners to our colleagues, business partners — present, future and potential new customers. It was ideal for creating brand awareness, as we take great pride in our sister businesses, which highly complement each other. We also had the chance to network with existing customers and get their feedback. This is extremely important for the development and growth of our companies and their bright future. We have used the opportunity to present our new, safe and clean warehouse.

At our presentation point, we emphasised on our GPS system, which is the main reason behind our punctuality and time management. During our presentation, we took great pride in introducing our operational staff members, who are the people make our business run successfully since 2001. Our operational team is professionally trained, uniformed, instructed to the latest safety rules and regulation and last but not least, polite and well-mannered with our clients and partners.

The Annual Movers and Storers Show was very helpful for implementing new ideas and outlining new ways for our business. We are very proud to be part of this event each year to develop the UK’s Removals and Storer’s industry and all of its related fields like Warehousing, Logistics and Relocation. We were very pleased to attend the Show, and we look forward to the next one.

Stephanie Cooper

Stephanie is a content marketing specialist for Top Removals for the past several years. She has extensive experience working with moving companies and knows her audience. Stephanie creates engaging and useful content helping the customers of Top Removals with their struggles and providing them with the most accurate insight.

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